Blue Grass
JoinedTopics Started by Blue Grass
Uh Oh!!! The elders are coming!!!
by Blue Grass inwell after fading and keeping a low key i think the elders are finally going to get to me.
in 2007 i moved to another city but quickly moved back home about two months later.
the whole time everyone from my old congregation has been thinking i've been in another city.
Terry's Amazing Stories
by Blue Grass inam i the only one who think's a lot of the amazing stories terry come up with are fabricated or completely untrue?
every week he tells us how he by chance ran into a jw, mormon, evangilcial, etc.
and comes up with witty answers every time to counter every point they make and than have them running in fear.
John 20:28 response to Garyneal
by Blue Grass in(the cake is the object of the verb 'bake'.).
(the cat is the object of the verb 'bark'.).
everywhere else in the new testament when jesus is directly addressed as lord it is always in the vocative case.
Documentary About The Flood and Noah's Ark
by Blue Grass inabout a week or two ago i watched a documentary about the flood in noah's day entitled "in search of noah's ark".
two things i found very interesting in this program is a theory that one person had about how they believed the flood was caused due to a meteor hitting the ocean creating a tsunami that flooded the entire earth.
scientist were unanimous in their view that this is a very plausible scenario and that there is no way to rule this possibility out.
Tower Of Babel
by Blue Grass innote:this was a post i made on another thread but i felt it was off topic so i giving it it's own thread.. someone(who i can't remember) on a thread(which i can't remember) said the tower of babel story is proven false because some languages evolved from others and thus that was another strike against the bible as being fiction.
however this person doesn't realize that there are languages on this earth that has absolutely no relation whatsoever such as chinese-english, spanish-arabic, greek-xhosa, etc.
not to mention all of the ancient languages that are now extinct due to invading countries forcing their own language on other countries.
A Question Ex-Jws and Atheist On This Site
by Blue Grass ini have a question for the regulars on this site which are mainly ex-jws and atheist.
my first question is just for the atheist.
why do you guys spend so much time discussing and researching a book you believe to be fiction?
A Dating Site For Jehovah's Witnesses?!
by Blue Grass ini discovered a site called which have pictures of individuals claiming to be jws looking for others jws to date.
based on the watchtower's anti internet stance and meeting people online, i doubt this website is real.
has anyone else seen this site?
Relapse: I'm considering returning to the Kingdom Hall.
by Blue Grass ini'm a long time lurking of this site(2 years) and a first time poster.
to provide a little background of myself i was not raised as a witness but started studying when i was 19 and got baptized at age 21. a few months after i was baptized i left due to the constant worship of the faithful and discreet slave and the lack of emphasis on christ.
for reasons i'm not sure about yet i decided to attend the district convention last week.